B-17E Swamp Ghost Unveiling Ceremony
Friday, June 11, 2010
10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. | Reception |
10:30 a.m. | Presentation of Colors/National Anthem U.S. Air Force Honor Guard |
10:35 a.m. | Formation Flyover P-51 Mustang and P-40 Warhawk |
10:40 a.m. | Welcome and Introductions John Tallichet, President and CEO Specialty Restaurants Corp. |
10:45 a.m. | Remarks Carol Tallichet, Wife of the late David Tallichet Alfred Hagen, Founder Aero Archaeology, LLC |
10:55 a.m. | Unveiling Ceremony John Tallichet, Carol Tallichet, Alfred Hagen and Linda Oliver, wife of the late Col. Richard Oliver (Swamp Ghost bombardier) |
11 a.m. | Program Concludes Photo and Interview Opportunities |
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